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Looking for an integrated digital room service option? We have that too!

When we went about building ETab as a digital room service platform we quickly realized we needed to be integrated into the top property management systems (PMS). The first PMS system we integrated with was StaynTouch.

Our restaurant client is located in the Gordon Hotel, which is a StaynTouch property. They were looking for a way to allow guests the ability to charge not only their room service charges to their folios but also their dine-in tabs as well. Through a bunch of hard work and creativity, we came up with a solution. StaynTouch proved to be a great technology partner in that they have a relatively simple integration portal.

After the success of the StaynTouch integration, we soon realized our other hotel partners have different PMS platforms. That has led us to integrate into the Oracle Opera 5 On-Premises platform as well as Oracle's OHIP, cloud-based platform.

Our mission is to help our clients create great experiences for their customers and guests. We are proud that ETab continues to meet that promise.

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